How to grow of Bitter Gourd.

     Botanical name - Momordica charanita
Family - Cucurbitaceae
Chromosome no .-- 2n = 22
Bitter gourd is the most prominent place in Belgian vegetables. Bitter gourd is cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is cultivated in almost all the regions of Karela India. Like Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the major states of its production. This vegetable is of great importance due to bitter gourd containing high nutrients and medicinal properties. In Karela, a chemical called Mmorcidin is found. Due to which bitter taste of bitter gourd is bitter. Due to the presence of this chemical, it is used in a great amount in the treatment of a disease called diabetes. Its use of vegetables in blood disorders and jaundice etc. is very beneficial.



 Bitter goerd's birth place is considered as Africa and China. In India, its wild castes are still grown.


Bitter gourd's crop is grown in kharif and zayed seasons. Therefore, warm and humid climate is required for bitter gourd. The crop has a heavy loss of its crop.

Land and its preparation
Bitter gourd can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. But the Balooi Loam Land, which has a proper drainage system and the PH value of land is best kept between 6-7.
For the preparation of the field, plowing is done by placing the first plowing mud overturned hull with a 3-4 Planting Desi Hull or Cultivator. By which the soil becomes frosty After preparation of the field, the karias and drains are prepared.

Advanced varieties of bitter gourd--

Pusa Shankar-1-- This kind of plant starts giving fruit after 50 to 55 days of sowing seeds. Specially it is 40% higher than Pusa. Its average yield is 220 quintals per hectare. In the northern plains of the country, variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.
Arka green-- This is a less sophisticated variety. Which gives good yields in both the summer and the rainy season. Its fruits are medium-sized green and have lower seeds.
Kalyanpur Perennials-- This variety is a variety of fruits throughout the year. Fruits are green and are 20-25 cm long. This type of vegetable research center has been developed from Kalyanpur.

               Sowing Time -

(1) In the field
Rainy season ---- June-July
Zayed Crop ----- February-March
(2) In the mountainous areas ------ from March to June

                      Seed rate--

Seeds should be sown at a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm in a rainy season for 5 to 6 kg per hectare for sowing directly in the field and in a place of 6 to 7 kg per hectare for zayed crop.सब्जियां-उगाने-के-लिये-गम/

            Manure and fertilizers - 

200-250 quintals of cow dung sarees in the bitter gourd mixed well in the field 1 month before sowing the fertilizer. In addition, 60 kg of nitrogen should normally be given at 30 kg of phosphorus and 30 kg potash per hectare. The full quantity of phosphorus potash should be given in the form of top-tracing at the time of sowing half the quantity of nitrogen and the remaining quantity of nitrogen after 1-1.5 months after speaking the root. Use of azospirillum and phosphorus soluble bacteria as organic fertilizer should be used. This leads to increase in crop quality and yield.

      Irrigation and drainage

Irrigation of bitter gourd depends on climate time, time of plantation etc. Compared to the Kharif crop, more crops are needed in the zayed crop. Kharif crop should be irrigated as per requirement if there is no rain. Zayed crop should be irrigated at the interval of about 10 days in early days and after 6-7 days on the increase of temperature, irrigation should be done.
Due to rainwater harvesting, proper drainage should be arranged, because after the extraction of surplus water of rain in the fields, the plants become yellow and later die.

                       Weed control

Weeding should be done once or twice before the spread of bitter ginger. Because the spread of the vines does not allow the weeds to grow. To control weeds in a chemical manner, spraying of 2 kg of active alkalor or beutclosure before sprouting can not be sprayed.

                 Disease Control

Powder Millew-- This disease is caused by a fungus called Arysophylli Sikorcyiram. As a result of this disease, white and yellow powdered substances on the leaves are collected. And later the leaves disappear by changing the almond color.
Control- 0 for control of this disease Weekly spraying of 3 percent kerathen should be done.

                      Insect Control

Cutworm --- The root of this insect rises in the night, which cuts the gentle tan from the surface of the ground.

Control-- To prevent these insects, combine haptaccler 5% dust at soil at the rate of 20-25 kg per hectare at the time of last plowing.

                       By Praveen Kumar