Brinjal Farming Detailed Information Guide // How To Farming Of Brinjal.

The following information of brinjal(eggplant)farming planting methods.

Hello friends,

Today we are going to talk about how to farming of brinjal farming. Brinjal eggplant. (Sollenam Melonjena) is a very important vegetable. It has been cultivated since ancient times. Brinjal is used as a vegetable, pakoras, filling and cholangi. In addition, Ayurveda is also used as a medicine.
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●Origin of brinjal -

 Birthplace of brinjal farm is considered as India. Even today, eggplant in India is grown naturally in forests.

●Climate -

 Brinjal cultivation requires a long warm weather. Therefore, its plants die due to sail. Germination of eggplant seeds is good at 25 ° C. 20 to 30 cm temperature is best for good plant growth. When the daily average temperature is below 18 to 0, then at this time the plant of the eggplant should not be transplanted. If the weather is cold for a long period, then there is adverse impact on the growth of plants. .

Soil-bedding can often be grown in all types of lands. Whose pH value is 6.5-7.5, and is the proper means of drainage, but for this, balu loam or matrior loam is most suitable.
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Improved Varieties -

 Advanced varieties of eggplant are divided into two parts according to the size of the fruit - (1) tall eggplant, (2) round bangan.

● (1) The main varieties of tall fruits - 

Annamalai, Ako Keshav, Ako Kusumkar, Ako Nilkanth, Arka Nidhi, Arka Shil, Arka Shishish, Azad Kranti, K-0, Gujarat - 6, Maseirigreen, N.D.P. 25 - NDHP-1 , Pant Emperor, PH-4, Punjab Barasati, Punjab Bright, Punjab Evergreen, Pusa Anupam, Pusa Bhairav ​​Pusa Hybrid-5, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Purple Cluster, Pusa Purple Log.

●(2) The main varieties of round fruits - 

MVV - 1, MVH - 2, Arco Navneet, Azad B, VR - 112, Hisar Shyamlal, Purple Goal, K - 2029, Manjari Gota.
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●Characteristics of major varieties--

●Pant Rituraj - This type of brinjal 

cultivation guide is of very attractive dark purple round shape. In this case, the outbreak of disease and pests is less. After 60 days of sowing, the fruit becomes eligible to break. The average production of this variety is 400 quintals per hectare.

●Pusa Purple Round - 

This is a very popular variety. Its fruits are round and purple. The average weight of each of its fruit is 200 g. It is more useful for rainy crops. Its average production is 200 quintals per hectare.

● Pant Emperor -

 This is an ancient variety, whose fruits are long and violet, which occur in the flakes. After 60 - 70 days of sowing, fruit becomes eligible to break. The production of this eggplant is 300 quintals per hectare.

● Pusa primal -

 This is a hybrid variety. Whose fruits are long and violet colors. Its storage capacity is high. Its average yield is 200-250 quintals per hectare.

● Pusa Hybrid - 6 - 

Its fruits are round shape. The crop is ready in approximately 75 - 80 days. Its yield potential is 500-660 quintals per hectare.

●Arka Shil - 

This is a medium type. The fruits of this type are tall and green. Its average production is 450 quintals per hectare.

●Preparation of Soil -

 Brinjal farming information can be grown in every kind of soil. If the land is of lame nature and the quantity of life is good, then yield is good. By plowing the field well 3-4 times, the hard surface layer below the soil should be broken.

●Seed Rate - 

For transplanting eggplant plant in one hectare farm, 400-500g seeds are required.

●Manures and Fertilizer - 

When preparing the field for more yield, the composted compost of 250-300 quiltal dung should be added to the field. In addition, 120 kg of nitrogen, 60 kg of phosphorus and 60 kg potash per hectare should be given as an element. One-third of the nitrogen and the full amount of phosphorus and potash should be given at planting. Placement mode is more beneficial for these fertilizers. Two-thirds of the remaining nitrogen should be given after 30 days and 45 days after planting in the form of topeding.

●Transplanting - 

Plants for planting usually take 4-6 weeks to prepare. Planting of plants is planted at a distance of 50 cm 0 in rows made at 75 cm distance. For more growing and spreading varieties, the plant is kept at 90 ° C.

●Irrigation and Drainage - 

After transplantation, make a slight irrigation or with the help of Hazare, give water in the morning and evening water for 2 to 3 days. After planting, light irrigation is done. Keep irrigation later as needed. Normally in hot weather, the difference between 8-10 days at the interval of 12-15 days should be done during the winter season. Drop irrigation for irrigating crop - Drop irrigation (Drip irrigation) is the best. Remains. This method requires less amount of water. And as well as weed control is also done. Sometimes, due to excessive rainfall in the rainy season, more water is collected than required in the field, if such a situation happens, then arrangements should be made to remove that extravagant water immediately otherwise the plants will die yellowing.

●Weed Control - 

It is necessary to keep the farm free from 50 to 60 days of planting the eggplant plant. This requires 2 - 3 weeds. In the rainy harvest 3-4 times weeding - weeding.
Weed control can also be used for weed control. 1 to 1 of floclonylin Sprinkle 5 kg of active ingredients per hectare. Once hand-weeding - do so when the crop is 30 days. In addition, 1.5 kilograms / ha of oxidizone or pre-Teflon's 0 9 to 1 The spraying of 5 kg / ha becomes good control of weeds.

●Insect Control

(1) Epilekanabilit -

 This insect starts harming the plants only. The infant is small and red in color. Before this, yellow is colored. This insect makes the leaves like sieve by eating it.


●(1) To control this pest, 0.1 percent solution of malathion or 0.15 percent of Symmetrhren should be sprayed.
●(2) If the crop has been grown in less area then eggs, sundies and adults should be collected and destroyed.
●(3) insecticides,As such - varieties like Hisar Chaman - 14, Arka Shirish should be grown.

●(2) Branch and fruitful insect -

 This is the main insect of eggplant. The suds of this insect enter the stems of the stems and leaves of the eggplant plants and they eat them from the inside. When the fruits take effect, they cut them off and eat them. Due to which fruit is not eatable. The outbreak of this pest is more in the rainy season in the frying of the winter crop.


Destroy insecticidal branches and fruits. The rate of paneer dissolved in water and sprayed at 10 days interval.

●Disease Control

●(1) Phomosis angina -

 This is the main disease of eggplant, which is caused by fungus called Phomopsis backsens. On the leaves of diseased plants, regular round spots or brown spots are formed. The middle part of which is light colored.

Control - 

●(1) Treat the seed with Bavistine medicine while preparing the plant.
●(2) Do not place eggplant repeatedly in the same light.

●Leaf Spots - 

This disease is caused by fungus. This causes irregular size brown spots on the leaves. These spots gather on a large number of leaves on the leaves, leaving the leaves dry and dry. Sometimes the spots are also made on the fruit.

●Control - 

●(1) 0 of Bloitox. 2 percent solution should be sprayed at 7-8 days interval.
●(2) the immune system; Like - Mantari Gota, Black Round, Junagadh Chaman - 11, Pusa Purple Cluster and H - 4 grown.

●Piching of Fruits -

 When fruits are fully grown, they become soft and they should break after color comes in them. When the fruit is delayed, fruits become stiff. And the seeds in them also get cooked. Usually after about 8-10 days of flowering, the fruit becomes eligible to break.

●Yield -

 Brinjal eggplant yield depends on the fertility of land, variety of eggplant and crop care. With advanced varieties, yield 250 - 300 quintals per hectare, whereas hybrid varieties yield up to 600 quintals.


Brinjal fruits plant can be stored in 85-90 percent relative humidity and 8 -10 days at 7-10 cm grade temperature in good form.