How to grow Bitter gourd / How to Cultivation Bitter gourd

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Today we are going to talk about bitter gourd farming

 Bitter gourd has the most prominent position in Belgian vegetables.  Bitter gourd is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.  Bitter gourd is cultivated in almost all the provinces of India.  Such as Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the major states of its production.  Bitter gourd having high nutrients and medicinal properties is very important for this vegetable.  Bitter gourd contains a chemical called momorcidin, which causes bitter gourd to taste.  Due to the presence of this chemical, it is used in major quantities in the treatment of a disease called diabetes.  Consuming its vegetable is very beneficial in diseases of blood disorders and jaundice.
 Origin- The birth place of bitter gourd is considered to be Africa and China.  Its wild species are still grown in India.
 Climate - The bitter gourd crop is grown in the kharp and zayat seasons.  Therefore, bitter and bitter climate is required for bitter gourd.  Its crop has to be heavily damaged by frost.
 Land and its preparation-- bitter gourd can be cultivated in almost all types of soil.  But the sandy loam land which has proper drainage system and the pH value of the land is between 6-7.

 For the preparation of the field, the first plowing soil is plowed with a plow and 3-4 plows with a native plow or cultivator.  So that the soil becomes brittle.  After preparing the field the beds and drains are prepared.
 Advanced varieties of bitter gourd--

 Pusa Shankar-1 - Plants of this variety start bearing fruit 50 to 55 days after sowing the seeds.  It is 40% more productive than Pusa.  Its average yield is 220 quintals per hectare.  The variety is suitable for commercial farming in the northern plains of the country.
 Arka green-- This is a low spreading variety.  Which gives good yield in both summer and rainy seasons.  Its fruits are of medium size green color and low seed.
 Kalyanpur Perennials - This variety is a year-round fruit variety.  Fruits are green and 20–25 cm॰ long.  This variety has been developed from the vegetable research center Kalyanpur.
 Sowing Time -
 (1) In the plain areas
 Rainfall crop ---- June-July
 Zayed crop ----- February-March
 (2) In the mountainous areas ------ March to June
 Seed rate - In rainy season, seeds should be sown at a depth of 2.5 to 5 cm पर for 5 to 6 kg per hectare for sowing directly in the field and 6 to 7 kg per hectare for Zayed crop.
 Manure and fertilizers - In the bitter gourd crop, 200 to 250 quintal dung sarees also mix the fertilizer well in the field 1 month before sowing the seeds.  In addition, 60 kg of nitrogen should normally be given at the rate of 30 kg of phosphorus and 30 kg of potash per hectare.  The full quantity of phosphorus potash, half the dose of nitrogen, and the remaining half of the nitrogen should be given near the root as topdressing after 1-1.5 months of speaking.  Azospirillum and phosphorus soluble bacteria should be used as biofertilizers.  Which increases both the quality and yield of the crop.

 Irrigation and Drainage
 The irrigations of bitter gourd depend on the climate, type of soil, time of growing, etc.  Zayed crop requires more irrigation than Kharif crop.  If there is no rain in the Kharif crop, irrigation should be done as per the requirement.  In the zayed crop, irrigation should be done at a difference of about 10 days in the initial days and 6-7 days later when the temperature rises.
 There should be proper management of drainage in the rainy crop, as the plants become yellow and later die when excess rainwater is collected in the field.
 Weed control
 Weeding should be done once or twice before the bitter gourd spreads.  Because after the spread of vines and does not let the weeds flourish.  To control the weeds by chemical method, spraying 2 kg of active ingredient of Alachlor or Butachlor before germination does not cause weeds to germinate.
 Disease control

 Powder Millew-- This disease is caused by a mildew called Erysaceae cicoresiorum.  As a result of this disease, white and yellow powder-like material gets collected on the leaves.  And later the leaves are changed by changing the almond color.
 Control — 0 to control this disease.  Weekly spraying of 3 percent kerathane should be done.
 Insect control
 Cutworm --- The buds of this insect grow in the night, which cut off the soft stems from the surface of the ground.

 Control- To protect against these pests, at the time of last plowing, mix heptachlor 5% dust well in soil at the rate of 20-25 kg per hectare.