How to grow onion at home.

Botanical name - >> Allium sepa L.
Family - >> Alliaceae
Chromosome No. .-- >> 2n = 18

Hello welcome Once again welcome. Friends on our Google website PRAVEENGARDEN.BLOGSPOT.COM, we will tell you today. That onion is used as saakbhaji, spices and medicines. Salt tubers and leaves are used to eat. On its shoulders, a special type of caloric oil is found offline profile disulfide. Onion is a cash crop.

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 The birth place of onion is considered to be Central Asia.
Preparation of soil - >> Onion requires shallow plowing Because the roots of the onion are not very deep. After that, put 3-4 Plants to the Plow Plow by the Country Plow or Cultivator. So that the soil becomes bhuri-bhurya Mix the dung compost well in the field while preparing the land.
Climate - >> Onion is the harvest of cold weather. Before construction of the tubers, the temperature of 12 ° -21 ° C is considered appropriate for the onion crop. While the temperature of 15 ° -25 ° C is considered appropriate for the development of shoulders. When the temperature is lower than usual, the problem of bolting increases. When the sudden rise in temperature in crops grown in Ravi, the crop is prepared quickly. As a result, small-size shelves are formed.


Onion can be grown in a variety of soils. Proper drainage is suitable for its crop production. For the onion production, the role should be of pH 0 to 5.5-6.5.

                      Improved varieties

Some of the advanced species of onion are as follows.

(1) Red Onion - >> Nashik Lal, Pusa Red, Red Globe, Pusa Red, Udaipur-103, Hisar-2, Arka Niketan, Arka Pragatii, Early Grano etc.
(2) Yellow Onion - >>Yellow Globe Denver, Early Yellow Globe etc.
(3) White Onion - >> Nasik White, White Bermuda, White Graneno, Patna White, Pusa White, Punjab-48, etc.

                 Manures and Fertilizer

 Onions contain more food and fertilizer. Use of fertilizers and fertilizers on an investigation basis is economically appropriate, for some reason it can not be checked properly. So the 200 to 250 quintals per hectare cow dung should be given at 100-120 kg nitrogen, 50-60 kg phosphorus, 80 to 100 kg potash and 25 kg sulfur per hectare. Mix a spray of cow dung in the soil after about a month before transplanting. Mix half the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and sulfur in the field before transplanting. If these fertilizers are given by placement method. Its utility also increases. Apply the remaining nitrogen in transplanting crop after 1 month in a standing crop. Onion spraying of 1-3 ppm M Zinc increases the yield and quality of onion.

                        Bowing Time

(1) In the field areas----
(1) Kharif crop ---- >> Sowing of Ravi crop in June-July.
(2) Rabi crop --- >> from mid-October to mid-November.

                         Seed rate 

 For Ravi 810 kg per hectare and 10 12 kg prop hectare seed for purchase is required. If using shalakando 10-12 quintals per hectare


Planting in the field should be done from mid-December to mid-January. Distance of line from line 15 centimeter; Plant the plant at depth of 2 to 2 centimeter by keeping 10 centimeters of plant distance from the plant. After the time the upper part of the plant is cut, so that soon after it is established in the soil, make sure that the irrigation should be done immediately after transplantation.

               Irrigation and Draw

Onion irrigation depends on plants, their growth, variety of land and climate. Maintain adequate moisture in the soil to obtain good yield of onion. Onions were generally required of 10-12 irrigations. In the days of winters, irrigation should be done at intervals of 12-15 days in summer and 7-8 days in the summer. Irrigation should be done uniformly and lightly in the whole field when love Drying leaves started to dry and you should stop irrigation, which should be kept on the onion field, which should be kept at the storage capacity of the onions, should never be filled with excess water or otherwise the tubers can burst. And Sir can have proper arrangements for drainage in the field.

                      Weed Control

 Weeds have suffered more damage to the weed crop for the first 60 days of onion sowing. So keep the crop free from weeds for this period. For this, after first 25 days of weeding, after the second 45 days after the second 60 days. When weeding the tubers, remember that when weeding the weeds, do not damage the crop's shoulders.


 Originally grown for lumps, floral stems sometimes come out. This is called building itself. By which the quality of onion decreases. Along with this, the production of hymns is also reduced. Bolting is mostly due to variation of temperature, aging, poor quality, and type of soil.


 When about 70% of the leaves begin to dry up and dry. At that time, the tuber should be digged. Two 3 months after the kharif crop is ready to dig. Whereas the crop grown in Rabi is ready in 3-5 months.


 (1) Green Onion yields 70-75 kg / ha.
(2) The yield of ripe tubers is 250-300 / ha.
Diseases control - >>
(1) Purple Blotch - >> This disease is caused by mildew. Symptoms of this disease appear on crop leaves. On the outbreak of this disease white spots are formed on the leaves. The middle part of which gets colored.
Control - >> To control this disease, Mankozab medicine should be dissolved in 2.5g liter water and sprayed on 15 days difference. Must use sticky substances in the solution while spraying.

                    Insects Control

(1) Fly onion - >> The pest of this insect holes in the lump on the stem inside the ground and eats its soft part inside. Due to this the plants gradually dry up and dry. Seeing the plant, the mast part of the lump is hollow. Only the outer part remains.


 (1) Use the drug called Thimat 10g at the rate of 15 to 20 kg per hectare in the field at the time of Mubai.
(2) Sprinkle Symmetrhine 0.15% or Malathian 0.05% solution when the flies appear.