How to grow radish.

 Hello friends, today we are going to tell you. How to get the profits of millions by cultivating radish, then let's start. Let me tell you before starting. That if you have not subscribed to our website yet. So quickly subscribe. So that the notice of our next post first reached you and you guys would definitely reply in the comment box. How did you get this article, as well as liked and shared the post so that other people could also get help.
I have an important place in the roots of rooted crops. Radish is the main crop of the home gardens. It is used as a salad in raw form along with food, in addition to using it in paratha and pickle. By taking radish, the digestive system remains active. Combining its leaves, eating as a granger has a different to grow radish,how to grow a radish.

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Botanical Name - >> Raphanus sativus
Family - >> Brassicaceae
Chromosome No. .-- >> 2n = 18


Radish is tolerant to high temperature but requires cold climates for size configuration and size. Due to high temperatures the roots of radish become rigid and sandy, with temperatures of 10-15 ° C for successful cultivation of radish. It is best believed in today's time that the radish is brought only in this season. It should be applied, because the radish is available to us every season and all the time. And radish is grown throughout the to grow horseradish.


Muli loam or loam soil is best suited for radish cultivation. Muli loam soil which has high quantity of life and whose value is of 6.5 to 7.0, radish is cultivated in this soil.

       Preparation of Land 

5 to 6 Plants are prepared for the radish crop and the farm is prepared. For cultivation of radish, deep plowing is required. Because its roots go far enough below the ground. Plow the soil with a hull for deep plowing. After this, do two plowing cultivators. Pata must be spun after plowing

             Improved Varieties 

 The types of radish are something like this.
(1) Pusa Himani - >> This kind has been derived from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Which is suitable for sowing in March.
(2) Jaunpuri radish - >> This type of peel and pulp is white. Which is 100 cm long and 7-10 cm. Is thick.
(3) Hissar radi No. 01 - >> This sowing variety is done from September to October. The radish roots are straight, long and white. This variety is ready after 50- 60 days of sowing.
(4) Japanese white - >> This kind is ready in about 45 days. Length of 20 to 25cm and color is white. The best time of sowing this variety is from mid-October to mid-December.
(5) Arka Nishant - >> This type is ready for excavation after about 45 days after sowing. This variety is resistant to white rust. Its root length is up to 25 cm.

                    Sowing time 

Radish is grown throughout the year. Even then, at the commercial level, it is sown in the plains from September to January and in mountainous areas from March to August. During this period, the radish is soft and large when sowing radish.

               Quantity of seed

Sowing of radish requires 5 to 10 kg of seeds for one hectare cultivation. Sowing of radish is done on the fields of the farm. Here the distance between Medao is 45cm and height 22-25cm. Is kept. Farmer brother must make sure that the seedlings of radish must be done. For this, cow urine can be used for 5 liters / kg seed.

                   Weed Control 

 According to the amount of weed, two or three times weeding is necessary for the radish. Clay is also clamped in large radish castes. If the number of plants in rows is greater than the requirement, then extra-weeding plants should be removed while weeding the weeds.

                     Insect Control 

 (1) Aphid - >> Its Z.N. Liphphis Irisimisers Champa mahoo sucks the juice of the soft all the plants. These are small yellow insects of yellow green when the sky is cloudy. And the weather is the name. Then the outbreak of this pest increases.
Control - >> Spray the monocrotophos 0.05% solution for the control of this insect. Divide one liter of malathen 50E.C into 625 liters of water and sprinkle it on the crop at a rate of hectare. If necessary, then after 15 days, this same medication should be sprayed again.

Pied bug - >> Z. Bugarada of this insect is Cruciferam. This insect sucks the juice of the leaves of both the infant and the mature plants. Due to which the leaves are discolored.
Control - >> The control of this insect should be sprayed with 0.05 percent solution of Oxymethile demomaton.

Disease control - >> Usually there is no disease on the radish crop, sometimes the rash disease becomes outbreaks.
Control - >> For neutralization of neem or spinach with cow urine, mix it with pump.


Remove the whole radish when it becomes soft and soft, because late due to the root of radish radish, especially in the European type becomes pith. Whose price is low in the market. Begin to sow the European Kesmo after 24-30 days. Start extracting after 40-50 days.


The yield of radish depends on the variety of land, fertility of land, high quality, climate, etc. The average production of Asian varieties is 200 to 250 quintals per hectare and the average production of European varieties is 100 to 125 quintals per hectare.

                         By Praveen Kumar