How to farming of marigold flowers?

Hello friends, we are going to tell you how to get the millions of profits by cultivating advanced millet. You all know that the flower of Gandenda is used in all our auspicious and religious events. Let us now cultivate the most prominent millet in the field of flowering cultivation that is least cost and care. And know how to expand it. Now in the market, the demand for flowers of mango is increasing day by day. Festivals should be decorated with establishments or houses, or in the wedding ceremony can not be full without flowers, but there is a need for flowers to worship on the temples. Apart from this, the demand for flowers is maintained in other programs. In such a way, the cultivation of marigold will be a very profitable deal. Some of the species of the Ganges, such as Hazara and Power species, are harvested throughout the year. Once the crop is finished, the plant is prepared for the second crop. In this cultivation where cost is very low. The same earnings are quite high. The mango crop is prepared from 2:30 to 3:00 months. Its crop can be obtained in 2 months. The cost of the mango is 1000 to 1500 rupees. There is no need for irrigation too. Only 2 to 3 irrigation starts to shake the maida cultivation. While the yield ranges from 2:30 to 3:00 pm per bigha. Milk flower market sells 50-60 rupees per kg. When its demand increases in festivals and wedding programs. So the rupees get 80 to 90 per kg. Marigold farmer explains. That cost is less in the cultivation of millets, festivals get good prices. Its demand remains in various programs throughout the year.

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                            Climate and soil

In northern India, it is grown in the autumn and it is cultivated in the hills of northern India in the summer. Gangetic farming Balui Loam land is considered to be the best of proper drainage. The land of which P.H. Value ranges from 7.0 to 7.5, which is considered good for land cultivation.


(1) Unique variety-->>Star of India, Harmony
(2) Dual variety-->>Rusty red, flame, spray, bonita, orange, lemon drop, etc.

               Quantity of seed

For cultivation of lime, approximately 300-450 gms of seeds per hectare is required. The seeds of the calf are the germination capacity for more than one year. Despite this, very old seeds should not be planted because the old seed's germination capacity decreases.

Preparation of Nursery and Plants

Before planting the seeds, the soil should be treated with 2% pharmacine. Thereafter, it should be covered with polythene or plastic sack for two days of land. After this, after drying the ground, make 3 meter long 1 meter wide kari. There is a difference of 1 ft between the two beds so that water can be easily drained and drained easily. In the nurseries, 10 kg of cow dung should be well mixed. Seeds should be sown in a depth of 3-4 cm. And the queue distance should be of 5 cm distance. After the sowing, after covering the dry sprouts with the compost, cover it with dry grass so that the germination of seeds is more and equal.

Planting Plant Time and Distance

After 30-35 days after planting seed in nursery, after planting three to four leaves, the plant becomes ready for transplantation. Planting of mango plants is done in flat walls. The distance of transplantation depends on the variety of lilies. In the African rhinoceros, the distance of the plants is 30 cm and the row distance from the line is 45 cm, while in the French ball they hold 30 cm. The work of planting should be done during the evening. When extracting plants from the nursery, it does not damage the roots of the plants while extracting it from light irrigation. Light irrigation is necessary after transplantation.

                  Nutrients in the plants

Additional quantity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash is required for more production and growth. The land in which the lilies should cultivate is to be removed first by selecting the residue of crops, pebble stones and weeds etc. Before the preparation of the land, 20 tonnes of cow dung should be fertilized at a rate of hectare. In the field should be added 350-400 kg of nitrogen per hectare, 200-250 kg of phosphorus and 200-250 kg of potash in the soil of transplantation. After that the irrigation tubes and sheets should be made in the field.
Irrigation and weeding - Multiplication
The importance of irrigation in the lime crop is of special importance. The amount of irrigation depends on the variety of crops and weather conditions. Generally irrigation is not required in the rainy season, but irrigation should be done if there is no rain for a long time. The production of the flower is good by irrigation at 8-10 days in winter and irrigation at 5-6 days. Giving more water than required can cause damage to the crop. In the field, the need for water is reduced by putting the straw, pulw and paper in the field. Many weeds sprout with lime crop, which compete for light, nutrient and place etc. along with the main crop. For good floriculture, it should be done after 2 to 3 periods. By adding some amounts of ammonium sulphate, the flowers blossom and produce plenty of good quality.

  It is necessary to support plants

The growth of the mango plants is much faster. Increasing the number of flowers on plants increases the weight, so that the fear of falling is increased. In such a situation, bamboo straps should be tied with bald plants, which do not break the plants.

   Top buds harvesting of plants

When the first bud appears after 30-40 days of applying varieties of African rhinoceros for good floriculture, branches should be removed after removing the top part of the top buds of branches from two to three cm above it. The number goes in and the plants become more dense and shrubby, so that the number of flowers increases and the size increases and the total yield of flowers increases.

                     Disease and control

In the mango, the main form of damping (damping) of the poster melting (collar rat), fuselium wilt (boil) and viral diseases are found. For the control of hydrolyzene and collar rote, treat 2.5 gm of pertaining seeds of Metallaxil (Ephran) or Captain at the rate of seeds. Treat the seeds with thym or capstan (2 to 2.5 g per kg of seeds) to protect from the disease. For the control of viral diseases, eradicate and destroy the diseased plants and sprinkle imidacloprid, acetamprid or thioloprid if needed.

            Insect Brains and Controls

Bucker penetrates, leaf blisters, thrips, red sprouts and red spider mites etc. cause economic harm to the mug. Spray the endoxacarb, chloranthrilliprol or flubandamide to control bud clotting and red sprouts, while spraying spiromesifen or phenporoximate for red spider mite.

             Bridges of flowers, yield

60-70 days after planting of mango plants begin to give flowers. Flowers should be broken when they grow fully. The flowers of the marigold should be broken in the morning. If there is moisture in the field at the time of flowering, then the flowers obtained remain fresh for longer time. The variety of flowers grown on the ground depends on the fertile strength of the land and the care of the crops. Generally, yield of 40-50 quintals of flowers per hectare.


Storage of broken flowers is done in cold house at 0 degree Celsius to 1.6 degree Celsius.

                                     By Praveen Kumar