How to farming of pea.//Farming of Pea.

Botanical Name - >> Pisum sativum var.hortense
Family - >> Fabaceae
Chromosome No. .-- >> 2n = 14

Hello friends, we will tell you how to cultivate peas. Peas are the main place for pulse crops in India. The dietary value of peas is very high due to the abundance of protein rich in green peas. It also comes for green fodder. Fertility of land also improves with the cultivation of peas.


The birth place of pea is considered the lowland region of the Himalayas.

Advanced varieties of peas

The advanced seal farmers of peas are divided into three sections.
(1) Rapidly prepared species - >> Jawahar Matar-3,Jawahar Matar-4, Green Sowing, Acoustic, P0M0-1, P0M0-2, GCC0195, V007802,
V007302, Archel Little Marvel etc.
(2) Species prepared in the middle - '>> Jawahar P0-141, Jawahar P0-83, Azad Mutar, Bonneville, J0P01414, KS0-123, KS0-126 etc.
(3) Late species - >> NP0-29, Silvia, GC0-141, etc.

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Ground for cultivating peas
For the cultivation of peas, the most suitable land is Baloo-Loam and light land suitable.

Climate for pea cultivation

Peas are a cold climate crop. In those hot and dry weather the grains are not formed properly. It has more effect on the upper part of it. Mainly, flowers are very harmful in the time of flowering. The appropriate temperature of 20 ° C-22 ° C is appropriate for proper germination, growth and development of peas. The fury of fungal diseases increases more than the climate.

Preparation of soil

After the harvesting of kharif for the sowing of peas, be sure to make a separation of soil solution. After this, plowing should be done by plowing 2-3 times before domestic sowing or cultivated by plowing. So that soil becomes frosty

              Sowing time

Peas should be sown from mid-October to november for good production. It is done by sowing drill in the kido or sidewalk. The distance between the plants should be 10 centimeters and the queue distance should be 30 centimeters.

       Manure and fertilizers

It requires less nitrogen. Because it establishes the nitrogen of its requirement through the glands found on the roots. By the time of the development of the glands the plants need to give some nitrogen. The fertilizer should be used in the peas as follows.

Manure of cow dung --------- 150-200 q / ha
Potash --------- 40-50 kg / ha
Nitrogen --------- 15-20 kg / ha
Phosphorus --------- 60-70 kg / ha
Dung should be added to the soil while preparing the field 3-4 weeks before the compost seed. The full amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, mixed in the field before seeding or seed sowing, it is more beneficial for ferticidradrel to give the seed surface 5-7 cms below.

                  Weed control

In the initial stage of peas, weeding must be destroyed twice a weed after weeding. Weeding is not required after the plants grow larger and spread.

        Weed-cut in pea crop

To get good yields, the farm should be kept free from the weed-free. Weeding should be done at least 2 times in the field.

               Irrigation and drainage

The requirement of irrigation in peas depends on the nature of the land and the rainfall of winter. Generally 2-3 irrigation is sufficient for the medieval and late pea crop. If the land is light and landing, then the number of irrigation will be more in that condition. With the reduction of water, the growth of the plants decreases. Besides, the production of glands in plants is also less.
If there is more water to be filled than required for any reason in the field. So to get rid of it from the field, there should be proper arrangement for drainage. If this does not happen then the pods are destroyed after yellowing.


The green pea is broken by 3-4 times at the difference of 10-12 days. According to the castes, peas are broken from December to February for vegetables. Boe harvest is done for the grain till the end of March.


The yield of peas depends on the arising strength of the land, the varieties grown on the soil, climate and crop care etc. Average production of agate castes is 30-40 quintals / ha and average production of medium and late varieties is 60-70 q / hct green beans.


Freshly unheated beans can be stored for 2 to 3 weeks with the relative humidity of 90-95%.

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               Disease control

(1) Powdery Mildew - >> Pea leaves and legumes and white powders spread on the stem. And later the leaves become black and die.
Control - >> For its prevention, dissolve sulfur 3 kg or dinocap 48 E C. 600 ml of water should dissolve in 600-800 liters of water per hectare per hectare, it should be sprayed at least 2 times per 10 12 days difference needed.
(2) Rust - >> In this disease, orange colored blisters are found on the leaves and stems.
Control - >> In a farm which once pertained to this disease in peas, do not forget it for three to four years. Treat the seed with 2.5 grams of Carbendazim or Banel per Kg seed in the seed.
(3) Dizziness - >> It is at all the airborne episode. First of all, the leaves on the lower leaves become brown-colored spots.
Control - >> For the prevention of this disease, treatment of seeds per kg should be treated with 2.5 gm thiram. After that, make 0.2% solution of Mankozabe on the crop and spray it.


   Insect Control

(1) Stem clippers - >> It is a black fly fly. Its gins eat holes in the early stages of the crop, so that the plants dry up.
Control - >> Prevention of this pest Use 10% for rate granule 5 kg or 3% carbofuran granule 15 kg per hectare before mobile. For the prevention of standing crop, in Dimethoate 30 ° C. 1.00 liters of water should be sprayed at the rate of per hectare so that the plant should be completely dried up from the top to the bottom.

                  By Praveen Kumar