Deep plowing in summer: Agricultural activity is one, and many advantages are also many.

Biological factors such as plant disease, nematodes, insect-moths and weeds inhibit the production of agricultural crops, which cause extensive damage to all types of crops. Therefore it is necessary to control them for beneficial crop production. Mono-cropping of pathogens like soil borne diseases such as fuselium, macrophomina, phospholina etc. (Continuous cultivation of same crop in the fields such as bajra in Kharif season and growing wheat crop in Rabi season) keeps on increasing the number of systems in the system.
Once these pathogens are established in the soil ecosystem, it is very difficult to control them, because the ovules in the soil can survive for many years in an inactive state. Similarly, nematodes and pests - moths live in the soil and live their lives. And also keep increasing their numbers.
Weed seeds and roots are alive in soil for a long time. Germinated on a favorable environment and damages the crop. Different types of chemical devices are available to control all these harmful biological factors, but one by one, their full control by chemicals is quite difficult and secondly it requires a lot of chemical substance and energy, which ultimately results in the environment Pollution and create an imbalance in the soil ecosystem.
In the chemical control process, water consumed in sufficient quantities is available, whose availability is limited to dry areas. On the other hand, most agricultural products like fruits, vegetables are consumed directly, so the use of excessive chemicals is proving dangerous for consumers.
Due to the use of machines after harvesting rabi crops the fields become uneven. The fields are infected with weeds, harsh surfaces and harmful pests - diseases. In such circumstances, envi
ronmentally friendly, economical and effective techniques for controlling them.

●Summer Deep Plowing.

During the summer months the temperature of the day is very high and at the same time most of the farms remain empty. Therefore summer summer planting for the control of harmful biological factors (plant disease, nematode, insect-moth, weed) in dry areas is the most successful technique.
Control of harmful biological factors by using this technique. Along with this the water retention capacity of the soil also increases, which is an absolute need for dry areas. Summer deep plowing plays an important role in absorbing most of the rainfall in the soil, resulting in the soil moisture being ready for protection during rainy days.
During the summer the soil gets hot, but the limit of deadly temperature is only limited to the upper layers of the soil. Whereas pathogenic organisms (pimples, bacteria, nematodes, insects, insects of eggs, weed root and seed etc.) are easily hidden in the soil in layers.
Summer deep plowing, cutting the soil, replacing these harmful biological factors in the upper surfaces and it starts destroying due to excessive contact with temperature. The roots of weeds are dried due to the moisture loss, the seeds are buried under extreme depths, so that they do not sprout. This is also highly effective, recommended technology for nematode control.
Summer deep plowing increases the waste of residues, debris of harmful chemicals, air circulation in the soil, and the water retention capacity of the soil and also works to prevent soil erosion.

●Solar solutions for summer deep plowing

●Sab Soiler

Shaking of the fields repeatedly to the same depths and construction of heavy machinery (Tractor, Combine machine, Shenres, Tractor - trolley etc.), in the fields, creates a Shankar layer at a certain depth. Water and air traffic stops at the bottom of this layer, causing problems like water logging in the field and its effect is directly on crop production.
In such a situation, it is necessary to break this shakyak layer. All Solar solutions for Jays are the most suitable solution. Sub Solar Hull 2 5 centimeters thick and 18 centimeters in diameter, which is felt in a strong frame. All Soilar solution is capable of plowing up to a depth of 80 centimeters.
All about 50 H for plowing with Solar Hull. P. (Ashwa Shakti) tractor is needed. To achieve good yield, once in 3 - 4 years, all the solilar must be plowed with solution.

●Mold board

This solution is capable of biting the soil and breaking up and downsizing in the primary plow. The weeds in the farm overwhelm and suppress the soil in the soil, causing the weeds to rot and the field becomes weed-free.
In addition to this, the solution is very effective for adding green manure, dung manure etc. in soil. Tractor-driven this solution can be planted up to 30 cm deep.

●Disk harrow

This solution should be used for cutting and rotting the soil and for weed control. In addition, this solution is also suitable for light plowing and hence it can be called the second geo-finishing multi-purpose solution.

●Trapper solution

In such a field where the heavy black soil adheres to the solution, the crisp - stone and the more weed, the proven havens prove more useful than the mold board solution. This solution consists of rooftop pans, with a normal diameter of 60 - 70 centimeters. Havens hang on the plow bearings and control the depth of plowing with the hydraulic system.


Even when the soil is light, the summer cultivator can also be grown from the cultivator. Since the cultivator can be pulled from the low power tractor in comparison to all the Solar Hull or Hedgehog or mold board solution, it is possible to make less diesel and expenditure in the cost. In the cultivator there is a spring-tying from 7 to 13.
The cultivator should be used in the preparation of the field after making summer cultivation in the light soil, in addition to summer deep plowing, fertilization in the field, weeding in wide line crops, and after plowing with other hail in heavy soils.