Earn millions from tomato farming

Hello friends, how do you want that all of you will live in your own gardening? Today we will tell you how tomato cultivation is grown and the plantation of hot trout is used throughout the year. Tomatoes are followed in the world after potato. Tomatoes have the first place in vegetables, red in color is due to beta-carotene and lycopene carotenide, and sour citric acid is due to tomato's The experiment is done in a variety of ways, such as salad, soup, pickle, tomato ketchup, chutney etc. It is used in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Bihar, Orissa, India is the major tomato-producing state of Tomato, the place of origin is considered to be Peru or Mexico. is

Land for tomatoes

Tomato cultivation can be done in almost all the landscapes, though the soil is suitable for tomato soil. It is suitable for tomato cultivation. Matrior loamy soil suitable for tomato cultivation is suitable for tomato cultivation. Should be

Climate for tomatoes

Tomato is a hot season crop; it is mainly grown in rabi crop. For germination of tomatoes should be 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. Fruits can not stay in the sun for longer

Advanced varieties of tomatoes

Arka Saurabh, Arka Vikas, Arka Ahuati, Arka Ashish, Arka Abha, Arka Alok, HS 101, HS 102, HS 110, Hisar Arun, Hisar Lalima, Hisar Lalit, Hisar Anmol, K.S. 2, Narendra Tomato 1, Narendra Tomato 2, Pusa Red Plum, Pusa Early Dwarf, Pusa Ruby, K-1, K2, K3, S-12, Punjab Chhushara, PK M1, Pusa Ruby, Pair-1, Shakti, SL 120, Pusa Gaurav, S12, Pant Bahar, Pant T3, Solan Gola and Arka Meghali.

Selection of tomato seeds

Bad and broken seeds are sorted after seed production. Sowing seeds should be of excellent quality in every way. In the shape, a uniform, strong and quick seedling seed is selected for sowing. Hybrid seeds with F1 generation that bear the opposite season also give quick and good crop.

Tomato Planting Time

It has three crops in the northern plains of the country, but in very cold terrain the rabi crop is not so good. Kharif crop in July, rabi crops in October-November and zayed crops are grown in February.

In the southern plains where there is no danger of pale, the first sowing is done in December-January. The second sowing is done in June-July and the third September-October and it is very important to take care of irrigation facilities.

Tomato Diseases

Plant Breeding: The first attack of this disease occurs at the time of seed germination. As soon as the buds come out of the seeds, the disease gets damaged due to the attack. If the shoots come above the ground after avoiding them, then the blubber filled with water on the part of the stem is seen, in which the decomposition starts and the seedlings fall. In the beginning, symptoms of disease are seen in some places. Then in 2 to 3 days the disease spreads in the entire nursery. Yellowish with nursery brown and dry spots is visible.

* Seeds should be treated with 2 grams of agroon GN or Captain medicines at the rate of seeds per kg.

* Nursery soil should be treated with 0.2 percent solution of the above mentioned drug.

* After 5 to 7 days of germination, make a solution of 2 grams of copper oxychloride or Mankeyeb or Metalexyl in water and put it in the roots.

Aging scorching: This disease spreads through the fungus called Alternaria Solenai. After the attack, old rashes on the leaves fall. On the stem, dark colored ribbons are seen and the flowers and fruits rot.

* To reduce the effect of the disease, do not grow crops of Solansea Total in the crop cycle.

* Always use the seeds found from healthy fruits.

* Plant heat, which will destroy the disease causing spread of fungus.

* As soon as the symptoms of disease appear on the leaves, immediately spray 0.2 percent of the chlorothalonic spraying on 8 days.

* For prevention, a 0.25% solution of the drug named Blightax 50 should be sprayed. Resistant variety Kalyanpur must use the selection 1.

Late swelling: This disease spreads through phytophthora infestation. On the leaves, green spots are worn for blackness. These spots grow rapidly in damp and cold weather and sometimes their lower surface becomes white. Similar stains fall on the stem. From this disease, the fruit gets confused.


  1. very nice article which shows all steps of farming potatoes in farm
    there is also an article who shows growing potato farming in home garden
    thanks for sharing this article!!
