Advanced cultivation of bottlegourd.

Hello friends, today I will give you information related to gourd farming. The botanical name of gourd is laginaria cicareria. The birth place of the lake is considered to be North Africa. Gourd cultivation in India has been growing since 2000 years ago. And some people consider India as the birth place of gourd India. And gourd is a major vegetable containing medicinal properties such as cold, fast digestive force. The gourd is used on a large scale in many states like Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Apart from the vegetable, raita, kheer and barfi are also prepared.


Hot and humid climate is required for gourd cultivation. It is sown in the summer and rainy season. It is incapable of tolerating the spine.

            Climate for gourd

Gourd requires warm and half climate, it does not tolerate tolerance. For this, 30-35 degree Celsius is considered suitable for increasing temperature and development. On the day of heavy rainfall and cloudy days, keto and disease outbreaks are helpful.

P           preparation of land

Proper drainage of light humid soil, whose PH value is between 5, is considered best for its successful cultivation. Preparation of the farm depends on this. What is the method of sowing the seeds? If you want to sow the seeds in the plate. So make 1 or 2 plowing to remove grass from the field.

           Advanced varieties of gourd.

Pusa Meghdoot

Pusa hybrid 3

Pusa New

Punjab Long

Free hybrid 1

Arka is so bahar etc.

Sowing time

(1) for winter time> January to March.

(2) During the rain> from June to July.


Line line from line = 1.5 to 2.5 meters to 2.5 meters

Distance of plant from plant = 1 meter.

Quantity of seed

4 to 6 kg for summer crop and 2 to 4 kg seed / hectare for rainy crop should be sown.

            Manure and fertilizer

Check the soil and it is economically appropriate to put fertilizer and fertilizer if the soil is not investigated, in that case, add fertilizer and fertilizer at the rate of hectare.

Dung manure - 20-30 tons

Nutrition - 50 Kg

Phosphorus - 40kg

Potash - 40kg

Before the initial plowing of the farm, dung should be planted equally with the help of a residual tractor or shrub or soil rot. Mix half the amount of nitrogen phosphorus and potash and put it in the soil at the time of last plowing. The remaining quantity of nitrogen should be divided into two equal parts and 4-5 leaves of the leaves should be given in two times and all of the plants should be given by the dressing appropriation while leaving.


For summer crop, inter-irrigation of 4-5 days is required, whereas irrigation required for rainy season falls on rain loss. Irrigation should be done in the winter between 10 to 15 days.


Many weeds grow with gourd crop. Therefore, for the prevention of them, in the January to March harvesting crop 2 to 3 times and in June to July crop 3. Four times a night of rape

Major kit

Red beetle

This kit is reddish and strains by germination and new husbands. Many times the complete crop of gourd is destroyed by its outbreak.

                     disease Control

Spray the carbaryl 5% of the powder at 20 kg per hectare or ACFET 75 S. Sprinkle half a liter of water / liter of water and repeat it at a gap of 15 days.


From the outbreak of this disease, brown rings are formed on the leaves.


For cocoons or zinc 2 gm or gyrum 2 ml for control Sprinkle per liter mix Repeat this spraying after 15 days if needed.

              Insect and Disease Control

The outbreak of this insect starts on leaving the two leaves on the plants. This insect eats the leaves and flowers. The drying of this insect bites the roots of the plants inside the ground.


Put 15 liters of cow urine in the copper vessel, 40-50 days old, and boil it with 5 kg of dhotsura leaves and stems, leave 7.5 liters cow urine away from the fire and cool it out and filter it out and prepare the mixture. Should be sprayed in the crop by pump per pump.