Banana Crop Pests And Diseases Control.

Hello friends,
Today, we are going to tell you which diseases are found on banana plant and how to control the disease.

Panama Disease ---

This is the most harmful disease of banana. The fuserium oxypore spray is caused by the fungus called kuben. In this plant affected by the disease, the first light yellow beads are formed on the lower leaves. And they hang in fray. And later the plant is completely dry. Sometimes the leaves are green. But they are hanging up Most of the leaves fall apart, leaving the new leaves above. The surface of the new leaves is pale yellow and crispy.

Control) -

(1) Destroy the root of the affected plant with root.
(2) Reduce the use of nitrogen.
(3) Do not cultivate banana for 3 to 5 years in the field that is present in this disease.
(4) 0 of Bavistin 2% solution should be mixed in the soil.
(5) Filling of water in the field reduces its effect.

(2) Bunch Top Disease (Bunchi Top) -

 In India, where banana is grown in all those areas. There has been an outbreak of this disease. This is a terrible disease caused by the virus. The leaves of the affected plant become small and narrower. And their edges turn upward. The leaves become small stalks. And the upper end of the plant gets converted into a bunch. Some scientists believe that this disease is caused by microplasma.

Control) -

(1) Burn the diseased plant out of the root and burn it. Or press more deeply.
(2) 0.1% solution of Malathian 50 ° C should be sprayed for pest management of mahu.
(3) Do not take circus from affected garden.

(3) Fruit thawing or scorching - 

This disease is produced by a fungus. Which is called giorosporium fuselage It is very active mainly in the rainy season in foggy weather. From this disease the fruit flakes and stalks become black and later start rotting.

Control -----

 0.3% of the chemicals used for the prevention of this disease should be sprayed.

(4) Main stalk rot ---- 

The stalks of the plant affected by this disease become black, the fruits start rotting. It is by Gloecosporum.

Control ---- 

When the fruit is small, boards should be sprayed in the mixture.

(5) Anthracnoe's disease

Symptoms and disadvantages

This disease spreads due to the fibrillation of the coletrautrium mucus. This disease takes time to increase the plantation of banana plants. The symptoms of this disease appear as small black spots on the leaves of leaves, flowers and fruit peels. The outbreak of this disease is higher from June to September. Because the temperature is high at this time.


1. Prochlorox 0. Sprinkle 15 liters of water or carvandism 2 grams per liter of water. 2 . Banana should be cut at 3/4 maturity. 3. Due to this disease, fruit flakes and stalks become black. And later, it starts to rot, for the prevention of copper, dissolve the solution in three grams per liter of oxyclloride.

(6) Stem piercer pests and planted plant

 Symptoms and disadvantages

The outbreak of banana stem seeping insect occurs in plants 4 - 5 months old. Initially, the leaves fall yellow, then the stem starts to remove the gum-like substance. Adult insects appear on the base of the stem. The long tunnel in the stem is formed, then it blocks the water and the food tube, which later produces deodorant.


1. Cutting affected and dry leaves should be burnt out of the farm, special care must be taken to clean the farm.
2 . From time to time, the Trichogramma card should be installed at the rate of fifty thousand per hectare.
3. Keeping the fresh root of new plants / plants should be kept periodically.
4. After harvesting the bot, cut the plants from the surface of the ground and destroy the egg and adult keto by spraying the solution of pesticides like emidaclaropid (1 ml / liters of water) on them.
5. In the fifth month of planting, chloropyriphos (1%) can be controlled by placing on the stem.
6. In the field, the number of 6 - 8 hectares should be installed in the smell / pheromone trap.

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